4 min readFeb 10, 2022


What Is Your Moon Sign?

Pretty much everyone knows what their sun sign is in astrology. It’s the sign based on your birthdate, and it’s what we commonly use to check our horoscopes. But how familiar are you with your moon sign? This aspect of astrological life can actually signify a lot about your personality and behaviors. Here’s everything you need to know about your moon sign.

What is your moon sign?
Your moon sign is based on your exact date, place, and time of birth. You may be wondering “Are moon signs and zodiac signs the same?”, but they’re actually a little different. Your zodiac sign, or sun sign, is only based on the day of the specific month that you were born, while your moon sign is much more in-depth and factors in the moon’s placement within the zodiac chart at the time when you were born.

What’s the difference between the sun sign and the moon sign?
Your sun sign basically describes your personality and how you present yourself to the world. Your moon sign, on the other hand, represents inner emotions and moods that you might not necessarily show to other people. If your sun and moon signs are the same, you don’t experience a lot of internal conflicts, and what you present to the world is what you truly feel.

How do I find out what my moon sign is?
To determine your moon sign, you’ll need to get your birth chart done. You can do this by speaking with an astrologer or by using an online tool (there are some free ones if you do a quick search). Your moon sign is determined by the zodiac sign the moon was passing through at your exact time and place of birth, so it’s important that you have those details on hand when you’re ready to calculate your chart.

What does your moon sign mean?
Your moon sign can have a significant effect on how you deal with conflict and your conscious and/or unconscious needs. After you’ve determined your moon sign, take a look at its meaning below.

Aries: You’re a risk-taker who isn’t afraid to get your hands a little dirty. You can be a tad impulsive, which means you need to pay attention to your impulse control. However, it’s a good thing that you always know what you want and how to get it.

Taurus: You are content with the little things in life, but you fantasize about someday living in luxury. You’re incredibly loyal and would never do anything to hurt the people you care about. It’s easy for you to appreciate all the things you have to be grateful for.

Gemini: You’re known for your social side, and this makes you an excellent communicator. It’s easy for you to talk through problems and resolve conflicts without a lot of drama. You’re well-equipped to handle your emotions (even the more uncomfortable ones).

Cancer: This is one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. You’re deeply connected to others through your innate sense of empathy and compassion. Sometimes you hide your own feelings, though, when you’re worried about your own safety or security.

Leo: You like being the center of attention and can get a little salty if you feel no one is noticing you! You’re incredibly warm and kind-hearted and would do anything for the important people in your life. Your heart is by far your best feature.

Virgo: You’re an intellectual who tends to analyze every aspect of life. You can be a perfectionist and are sometimes harsh on people when you think they aren’t trying their best. You don’t mind calling out people who aren’t living up to your standards.

Libra: You believe that everyone should be treated equally and you’re most fulfilled by taking part in humanitarian activities. You care about the world around you and want to see peace and harmony in your community. Your compassion is your superpower.

Scorpio: You tend to be wary of people when you first meet them. You want to make sure that your heart is being protected at all times. You worry about getting hurt and can be tentative about expressing your true feelings.

Sagittarius: You love adventure and are always up for a good exploration where you can discover new things. You tend to be an optimist, but you’re still realistic when it comes to seeing people’s true qualities. You’re not fooled by what’s on the surface.

Capricorn: You’re super hardworking, which can sometimes come at the price of your wellbeing — you don’t often give yourself enough time to relax and can struggle to find a good work/life balance. You have a patient and open heart.

Aquarius: You’re independent and a free spirit, which means you’re not always 100% clear on why people act the way they do. You tend to have a really high opinion of yourself, sometimes verging on superiority. You have clear, focused values.

Pisces: You sometimes feel older than your age because you take on the world’s problems. You’re a sponge for others’ emotions and don’t always know how to separate yourself from what other people are experiencing, but that depth of emotion means you have a caring, supportive soul.

Want to know more about your moon sign and what it means for your personal journey? Book a reading with an astrologer today.


Astrological ,Signs ,Moon ,Signs ,Zodiac




Life Coach, Psychic Clairvoyant, Paranormal/Psychic Investigator, marriage, love and relationship